Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Accept What It Is And Let Go Of What It Was!

As I sit here starring at this empty page, I have to wonder what God has in store for me.   Have you ever wondered, "What is His Plan?"  I know I’ve thought I had it figured out, but then something always happens when I realize it’s all in His timing.  Then when it plays itself out and I can sit back and reevaluate the circumstances, it all makes sense.  It worked out better than ever expected.   Sometimes we can be so anxious to get something done, that we do it an injustice by rushing and not completing to the best of our ability.   We need to take the time to do what’s right and listen to our instincts; these instincts, and that soft voice you hear in your head, I believe is God leading us in the right direction. 

I can’t tell you how many times I ignored His soft voice and was immediately sorry I hadn’t listened and followed.  I now recognize those were missed opportunities of greatness.  Learning to recognize those opportunities has been a work in progress, and I’m sure it will continue to be a learning process that hopefully will become natural instinct and a habit to last a lifetime.   Trying to understand the why’s of the World, and the reason behind circumstances that are out of our control, can be so detrimental to your health and well-being.  It is not up to us to understand why, but learn to accept what it is.  I ran across a saying this week, that simply said, “Accept what it is, and let go of what it was”.  This is so true!!

As I sat and starred at this empty page today, wondering what can I write about today?   It was God who answered the question and led my thoughts to putting words on paper.  For it is He who continually leads all of us!  And He who is speaking through me.   I have no doubt that this was meant for someone out there to read and I hope that it reaches the right person!    We can only change ourselves and how we respond to ‘what it is’!  Accept it as so, put your burdens to the Lord, and trust that He has a plan! 

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